Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Addition

No, it's not a baby! It's a tadpole!

Our family has expanded by low maintenance pet. Noah inherited a tadpole from his kindergarten class. All of the kindergarten classes did a unit on the life cycle of frogs. As part of this unit, the class had two tadpoles in the classroom to observe. Well, at the end of the school year, the little guys still hadn't become frogs and the stream where they were to be set free had dried up. So, the teacher sent home a notice with a blank ballot saying that she would enter the children's names in a draw (pending parental permission) to 'win' one of the tadpoles. I instantly said 'no' but Kevin talked me into letting Noah enter the draw. Noah was so excited about it!

Guess who won?! You guessed it....out of 20 children.....Noah won a tadpole. Oh yeah.....

So we had to go on a hunt to find an appropriate habitat for the little fellow. We ended up with a mini aquarium. It was the only thing we could find. Apparently, this is a bull frog tadpole..... which can take up to a year to fully develop! I found that out after we had already won the little guy. Once he starts breathing air....we will have to remove some of the water and put a rock in there for him to sit on.

Here is Noah setting up the tank......

Practicing scooping the poop....yes, tadpoles do poop. Funny...Noah has only had the tadpole for a few weeks, and the novelty of this task is already wearing off.....

Tad's new home.....pump, light, filter and all!

There's the little guy himself......

Noah has now started asking for a dog or a cat. Right now there is zero chance that is going to happen. Especially since I had to feed Tad the last two nights in a row......

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