Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lost In Translation....

Since Noah started school, he has picked up many undesirable habits. Don't get me wrong...Noah has many faults that are authentically his...but he has picked up some new ones that I never had to deal with before.

I started hearing him say 'Oh my G*d' around the house a lot. I corrected him each time but it took quite a while to get him out of the habit. We had a chat about the 10 commandments and what it means to take the Lord's name in vain. The habit I assumed the message got through.

Fast forward to last night. Noah has been attending VBS (vacation Bible school) this week. Last night he very seriously told me that at VBS that day they sang a song that had 'Oh my God' in it. Then he followed that statement up with, "but don't worry, I didn't say that part!". LOL!!

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