Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes Different Can Be Good

Today Rebekah and I went to church. I believe I blogged that Noah and I went last week....for now we have decided to take the 'divide and conquer' approach where church is concerned. I actually told Kevin that I was going to start taking Noah to church since we have a Lutheran church down the street. I want him to get comfortable enough that he will actually go (and stay) at Sunday school. Noah decided to protest about going today. I think he was worried that he might miss something since Grandpa Tom is here. So, I told him I would take Bekah instead.

This Lutheran church is a different synod (branch) of Lutheran than what we are accustomed to. I was raised in an LCC (Lutheran Church Canada) church. We have never lived anywhere that has a church that is part of this same synod. (The American equivalent to LCC would be Missouri Synod.) Anywhere we have ever lived has either not had a Lutheran church at all, or they have had one that is of a different synod.

Once again, this church is different than what we are used to...but you have to work with what you have, right?!

There was one difference that I really liked. As part of the service this morning there was a baptism that took place. In the church where I grew up, you could never actually see what was going on up at the front...there were too many tall people in the way. The pastor at church this morning invited all of the children to come right up to the front and circle around him as he baptised the baby. Afterwards, he held the baby down low and walked with him in front of all of the children so that they could see him. It almost seemed like a little welcome for the baby from the other children. I thought it was a wonderful way to involve the littlest worshipers.

So, even though church shopping has proved disappointing with previous moves, I have decided to keep an open mind and heart this time around. I am happy to say, that so far, I have not been disappointed.

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