Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Muver's Day!

I have to tell you, that as articulate and well spoken as Noah is, he still has certain words that he pronounces incorrectly. If I correct him, and he really thinks about it, he can say these words properly. Having said that, it is kind of sad when your little ones can suddenly say words that they couldn't say is a sobering sign that they are no longer babies. They are growing up!

So yesterday I woke up to the following greetings. "Happy Muver's Day!" (Noah) and "Happy Mudder!" (Rebekah) I guess stringing the three words together was a bit too much of a stretch, so she shortened it for me!

Besides "muver" Noah also has trouble with the word "three", it comes out like "free" and the word "ambulance" comes out as "ambleeance". The "th" sound is a bit of a challenge too.

The other day Noah and I were playing Chutes and Ladders and every time he counted it came out as "one, two, free". I corrected him, and if he made a conscious effort, he could say the word properly. Later that night, once he was in bed, I went to check on him and as I listened at the door I could hear him repeating over and over again, as if in practice, "three, free, three, three, free". It was too cute.

Rebekah has suddenly turned a corner, it seems, with her pronunciation of certain words too. Almost overnight she went from saying "Wekah" to saying "Bekah", from saying "Woah" to saying "Noah", from saying "Fusser" to saying "Swiper" (I never did figure out how those two words were related...but in her mind, they obviously were), and from saying "Auntie Fudder" to saying "Auntie Heaver", which is much closer the actual pronunciation of "Auntie Heather".

It is the most amazing thing to watch these children grow, change, learn and develop before my very eyes. There are some days when I think I have the coolest job on earth.


Trish and Matt said...

I think watching your kids learn to talk is one of the coolest (and most humorous) things ever.

expatmom (Colleen H.) said...

Yeah, there seems to be something new every day...