Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Our Arrival in Beantown

So, we have offically arrived in Boston. We are still "camping" in our temporary apartment, but at least we are here! The overseas flight is over, the jetlag is over and the treck from the airport to the hotel with all of the luggage, two carseats and two kids is also over. Thank goodness!

Many of the times that we have shared the news of our move to Boston, the term "Beantown" has come up. Each and everytime someone has mentioned it, I have silently wondered where on earth the term came from. So, I decided to google the term and get an answer for myself, and any others of you out there who might care too.

According to the website that I found, between 1900 and 1910 "someone" coined the phrase "you don't know beans until you come to Boston". It seems that New England (and Boston) were part of the "triangle trade" that took place between Europe, West Africa and the West Indies. The triangle trade grew the rum and molasses industries and it led to many local recipes for molasses soaked beans. This popularized Boston for baked beans nationally, and led to the nickname "Beantown".

There....mystery solved! I feel much better now. :-)

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