Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wow...Has It Been That Long??

I can't believe it has been nearly a year since I have written a post! When I think about it, I get stressed about all of the memories that have been forgotten because I haven't documented them! Just yesterday, while I was unpacking boxes of scrapbooking supplies and organizing them, I came across a scrap of paper with several things written in a list form. It was obviously a note to myself of things that I wanted to remember to scrapbook about....and I am sad to say, that many of them would have been forgotten had I not written and then found that note in my things.

These are all things that Noah used to say when he was little.....the list looks something like this.......

I wuv you (I love you)

wullaby (lullaby)

dump (jump)

hang-a-ber (hamburger)

hostable (hospital)

turts (church)

this is derry cool (this is very cool)

am-bwee-ance (ambulance)

doodling (duelling)

ca-bay-er belt (conveyor belt)

....and my personal favourite..........

co-men-trol (remote control)

Wow, I can't believe that I would have forgotten some of those fond memories! I am so glad I found that little piece of paper tucked into boxes and boxes of supplies, and that it was the catalyst for this post.

Here's to many more memories!

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